Who we are

Greenenergy Holding S.p.A.

The Greenenergy Group has been operating in the field of Waste Management for over 30 years. It takes advantage of the combined work of the companies which are part of it; they could support all kinds of waste disposal supply chains of civil or industrial origin.

The Group coverage is on national level with its approach on transportation, waste treating and enhancement feature and a sector dedicated to remediation of contaminated sites.

The decades of experience, the high technological level of the systems owned, places us as a leading technological group in the reference field.

The company Greenenergy Holding S.p.A. was founded in 2015 and it’s the leading Group which operates through three companies and which holds 100% share capital (since 2018).

Ambiente S.p.A., with more than 30 years of experience in the sector, has a strong sensitivity towards the Green Economy. It constitutes the Group's response to the selection and management of materials coming from separate waste collection. The company is equipped with an ecological platform with one of the most innovative multi-material selection systems in Europe.

B.Energy S.p.A., thanks to high operating standards, has been a leader in the environmental remediation and liquid waste treatment sector since the 1990s. The company, through its own treatment plant, offers effective management of every single processing phase.

Lastly, Planetaria S.r.l. collects, transports and sends for recovery or disposal of all sorts of waste materials, pursuing the optimization of logistics services. Since 1999 it has allowed the group to offer an integrated approach to the management of interventions, with specific skills and a cutting-edge fleet of vehicles.

Our Numbers



Year 2022

Quantity of selected/treated waste



Year 2022

kW generated from renewable sources



Year 2022

TonCO2 saved



Average Year 2022

No. of employees